NOTE: This is just a reference program.
This is my first program, it begun with a one-liner Bash script:
sudo apt install snapd git python3 cmatrix sl mesa-utils wine software-properties-common python3-setuptools python3-gi python-gobject skype libreoffice steam 0ad virtualbox gparted python3-pip libreoffice-gtk3 dconf-editor etcher opera-stable vscode powertop cmatrix sl -y && cd Downloads && wget https://512pixels.net/downloads/macos-wallpapers/10-13.jpg && cd && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri Downloads/10-13.jpg
As I said, one simple and ugly line of shell script.
It's main purpose to simplify everyday tasks (some part of it is for complete newcomers, others for regular users).
HSuite includes: